
Saturday, January 26, 2008

i like zombie boys

who like turtles:

i had to post this - he rules!

so i'm also now a brunette - my fabu jeffy cut and colored me on wednesday and i so love it. it looks stellar! any of my nyc friends that need color let me know - jeffy is learning so he'll do it for cheap. he's totally awesome - i wouldn't steer you wrong...

after playing hair salon we went to tre merli in the west village. it was sooo delish! and the drinks weren't half bad, either. then i met marah and we went to the hotel rivington. the bar there is called thor and her friend jason works there and we had a great time (free drinks included - snap!) totally ruled. we then went to some italian place for post midnight snackage where i was served the most random lady fingers sandwich (with the crusts even cut off). it was wonder bread with mozzarella and tapenade and weird. it took 2 seconds to eat so i don't think i'll order that again :(

been interviewing this week - please send good luck my way! so much going on next week, can't wait. vampire weekend (they are so not goth even though they stir up thoughts of black eyeliner and angsty youth), my friend alix's art gallery opening, kathy griffin! if you are in the nyc area on the 30th you should definitely stop by alix's opening. here is her website: she's lower east side suckas!



Monday, January 21, 2008

getting my goth on explained

for those of you who aren't quite up to speed on what it means to get your goth on perhaps you should view the following south park video that hits a little too close to home (i cringed a little while watching it):

and for the love of god it is only 17 degrees right now. so completely unacceptable. with the wind blowing through the city's skyscraper canyons it's so frigid.

perhaps i need a trip out to warmer, cali climes?



he loves me, he loves me not

so i found the most fabu quiz online and maybe i had to tweak the response slightly (so what if i've never done coke!) he loves me 92% and says i'm sooooo! good! ;)

Who is your lover from Interpol? by casuallover
Favorite Interpol Song
Drug of Choice
Your interpol lover is
He tells his friends the sex wasSo Good
You'll get sick of him byJune 20, 2090
He loves you this much!

k, so i saw blonde redhead last night with marah and it was absolutely amazing! and, even better yet, my boyfriend played guitar on a song of theirs called 23 (which is my fave blonde redhead song that i can't stop playing over and over even before last night and not just because my boyfriend played it with them!) look how cute he is in his flannel and scarfy close up:

and not so close up (and the entire song!):

marah has a crush on the twin boys in blonde redhead so it was a total night of being all dreamy over cute boys. plus we saw daniel again (we must be we strangely aligned as we seem to show up at places at the same time). he was behind us in line and when the peeps at the venue realized who he was they whisked him away.

here is a picture of marah and i after the show. what a mucho bueno noche! plus we went to a cool club called tis was and there was the best dj and kick ass people watching. we're so going back. we also had dinner at a place called thainy by my house and it was so good!



Wednesday, January 16, 2008

oh btw

i freaking love the city. every time i walk outside of the apartment i am completely consumed with excitement - i feel so alive here. it's so utterly amazing and i find new, fun, kitschy things every day. it rules!

also - i have seen 3 movies recently that you should all go see if you haven't. they would be:

juno - if you seriously haven't heard about it by now you are weird
sweeney todd - i so heart johnny depp and tim burton
control - about the band joy division and in particular the lead singer, ian curtis, and his sad and untimely death. beautifully filmed and even if you aren't a joy division fan you can appreciate the film.

i'm a happy little camper!



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

getting my goth on

ok - so i'm not so good about posting again this week. however, i will just get right to it and give you the update from my last posting.

clearly, i was sloshy from my night out last week. it was fun - i have a fave dj here in the city and he was spinning that night at diabolik (the open bar place). yes, it was gothy and yes it was fun - in a very seriously morose and angsty way of course ;) marah and i had another weird guy talking to us. we decided to call him special k as all he did was talk about that drug (and several others) and how they were really amazing. he was really boring and we couldn't wait to find an opportunity to get the f out of there! plus we had gotten our 4 free drinks and were properly tanked so our mission had been accomplished.

so we shimmied on over to the dance floor, cut some rug for a few and then i said bye to my friend and i actually found the way back to marah's house as she was a little too intoxicated to figure it out. i was proud of myself!

saturday we went out to a bar called heathers (it was ok), another bar called angels and kings (loved it and there was a totally cute bartender there) and then on to rififi for another unintentional night of getting our goth on. the people watching was so fantastic there! goth trannies, purple mohawks and loads of boys who were trying to look like robert smith (receding hairline included!) it was so packed, too! who knew!

i also had brunch with jake down on the lower east side at schillers and that was fantastic - i highly recommend the blood-orange and vodka drink. yum!

so today i got a salad from cpk and there was a totally cute boy working there. we smiled at each other and when he walked by later he was totally checking out my.... marc jacobs bag. *sigh* oh well, he has good taste. maybe we can go shopping sometime! ;)

and i know i haven't mentioned this yet but i have the best roomie ever. her name is lauren and she rocks! she likes the cure and the smiths - what else possibly needs to be said? ;) she really is great and i am so happy we get along so well. we are going to join the crunch gym - i am excited to get back in to yoga as they have 5 million yoga classes. plus, we are totally excited to play dodgeball. we are so going to be throwing down and taking names! more on that later :)

no job yet :( please send mojo/good juju my way!



Thursday, January 10, 2008

i heart ny

want to know why? cause i can get as drunk as i want and the cab fare home is only $6. if i want to ride the subway it's only $2. and guess what? there was an open bar tonight. marah a link to a cool website to me that tells you where all the open bars are. it rules! total damage tonight: $15!!!

how can you not love this city?

more tomorrow. time to pass out...



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

nye dc

so i needed to head down to dc to grab my art and my tv. the oh so fabu scott brooks was babysitting them while i was galavanting about (check out his gorgeous work at:

anyway, i met up with the boys (jay, timmy, casey and michael) and we had din din at u-topia (i think that's what it was called). timmy and i were nearly gored several times by the menacing gothic decoration above our table so that wasn't so great. however, the steak i ordered was. i need to keep reminding myself that i am not employed and to be a little more frugal. i'll try to remember next time ;)

we then went for drinks and caught up and had a lot of fun. the next morning was brunch at the playbill and then more drinking. i then went shopping and then turned in a little early as i was a little alcohol exhausted.

i headed to michael and catrina's for nye and it was great and i got to see a bunch of old friends. as new years is always a bit anti-climatic, it was good to at least have fun while ringing in the new year. i ended up getting accosted by a very drunk gay boy i had just met. he became a bit obsessed with timmy's lip gloss and decided to dump half of it on his lips. then he thought it would be nice to put some on me by kissing it on. he was a little excited with the transfer process and i was laughing and pushing him off and he told me to stop squirming and that he was gay. i was like sweetness, i know you are gay. you are just incredibly sloppy! he got his slobber all over me and when he pulled back timmy was like look at those shiny angelina lips! i laughed and attributed the shine to the mass quantities of saliva all over my face. timmy kept saying here comes the train wreck. train wreck indeed! at least he was good for some entertainment value :)

oh! driving down to dc i got pulled over in md. yes, i was going 20 miles an hour over. OI! the cop was really cute so he made me even more nervous. he was so dreamy! he asked if i had even noticed that i had passed by him at 70 and i told him no. and then he asked if i knew what md cop cars look like and i said no again. i totally spaced! i couldn't believe i hadn't noticed him. and i was totally sweating bullets since i just had that other speeding ticket. but i'm wondering if they never reported it since i did the online defensive driving class (a lot of good it did me, right?) ;) anyway, he came back to the car and gave me a freaking warning! i couldn't believe that i got out of it. so of course, i only went between 5-10 miles over the speed limit coming home. i think speed limits are stupid and should never be below 65 mph. or we should just be like the autobahn. annoying!

anyway, now i am all caught up! MWAH to everyone and i will report on my city adventures more regularly moving forward :)


new york cares

so i spent christmas eve with my friend marah. we had such a blast - we went to beauty bar where we met a few goofy boys. i got really drunk and started making fun of marah and the boy she was talking to. marah reminded me to use my inside voice as i didn't realize i was shouting "marah has a boyfriend" three times over at the top of my lungs. i kind of feel bad because my drunk ass started the conversation and then i decided i was bored and moved on to the boys sitting to my right and may have abandoned her with him for a bit. but it's all good!

we went to veselka after and determined we needed an emergency phrase for when we were stuck with a not so groovy boy. in our lushy state we decided saying "oklahoma!" or "challah" would work well.

so two nights later we went back to beauty bar and i was stuck talking to a guy who was less than pleasant and a bit angry. i was trying to get marah's attention and was finally able to smack her. she ended up being the trashed one that night and didn't use her inside voice and started screaming "oklahoma!" at me. the guy got kind of pissed (understandably) and so i then decided that marah and i needed to pick a new emergency word/phrase. her friend barak was with us and he even said oklahoma was a bit obvious/harsh so we determined the new phrase is "can i borrow your lipstick?" i'll let you know how that works out ;)

marah and i also went to see the setting suns the week prior (the drummer from interpol) and we saw the guitarist from blonde redhead and daniel from interpol and that was pretty cool. although it was kind of funny - i wonder if daniel is a bit of an attention whore. he parked himself right next to the door to get out of the stage area to the bar right where everyone would have to pass him to leave. i smiled at him cause i thought it was a little funny and of course, i was a tad bit drunk as well.

i'm a little concerned with potentially becoming an alcoholic by living in the city. i think my liver actually moaned at me last week. i think i would like to be put on the liver transplant list. i am genetically predisposed being irish and russian and all, so i think i should be put at the front of the line ;) does anyone want to vouch for me?

YAY! moving in to my new place tomorrow!



visit to l.a.

was so much fun. i got to hang with annie and liz mcgrath had her opening at billy shire. it was great and there were a bunch of people who showed up. namely, annie's crush, ryan gosling. it was so cute! it reminded me of when i met my boyfriend in vegas and how exciting that was so i was so happy for her. i headed home early and hadn't heard from her and so i sent her a text asking if she was making out with her new boyfriend. i was so hoping for it! here is liz's show:

then i stopped by jason houchen's showing at la luz de jesus. jason pants is extremely talented and his stuff is so fantastic - he does wood burnings and they are even more amazing in person. if you are in l.a. you should go check out his show. here is where you can find the pieces:

i also got to see laurel and natashia which is always fun. it was great catching up with the west coast kids!



catching up again...

ok, so maybe my new year's resolution should be to not take 3 week breaks from my blog. ok, so a quick round up - got the apt (YAY!) and i am moving in tomorrow. went to l.a., hung out in the city for 3 days, went to dc, got back today. will do a few blogs to go over all the fun of each.

hope everyone is having a fabu new year so far!

