
Saturday, April 26, 2008

5 years

ok, ok, so i know. that's what it seems like it's been since i've last posted. but what can i say, i've been a very busy bee as of late!

so the rome/milan trip was fabulous (as were the cure shows!) and i enjoyed every last minute. i got to hang out with my good friend milena which always rules and i got to see a few other friends (even if it was only momentary!) upon returning home i became employed by my fantastic friend alix who owns an art gallery called sloan fine art. i am the ever so gracious gallery manager and i love it more than i could even begin to say. it makes me so so happy to go to work doing something i absolutely love and am passionate about! check out the website: and buy something from me someday! ;)

i am also working part time at a hair salon (which so rules cause that equals getting the hair did for free!) and of course, it's a lot of fun hanging out with all the gays. we did have a couple celeb sightings (keira knightley and jennifer esposito). and there is a funny story - one of the stylists at the salon accidentally put jennifer in the book as eva mendes so everyone was all excited and then jennifer showed up (i didn't know who she was) and i said "are you eva?" cause she was wearing big sunglasses and to be honest i don't really know who eva mendes is, either. anyway, mass confusion ensued and then i felt like a dumbass. at least i didn't say are you eva mendes. that would have just been sad. for her i mean :D

i am still enjoying the city (when i'm not actually working) and i will be blogging on a more regular basis, i promise. i am also blogging on a fun, fabu gossip site called kate blogsworth ( so maybe i can use that as my excuse for not being so on top of this one. that has been so much fun (the girls are crazy like me for the lead singer of interpol and pete doherty - yes, the crackhead who is in jail in england!) don't be hating on him. i may marry him someday ;)

so here is a silly video that i was going to post back in the day (my roomie sent it to me specifically because of the content). i hope it makes you laugh as hard as i did:

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